Statistics for Stage 1-1

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ItemLootsSamplesPercentageSanity Required Per ItemTime Range
Drill Battle Record
3051124580 124.13% 4.8319.5.1 to Present
Pure Gold
241524580 9.83% 61.0719.5.1 to Present
Rhodes Island Supplies IV
19224 8.48% 70.7422.10.11 to 22.10.24
Rhodes Island Supplies V
22305 7.21% 83.1823.4.6 to 23.4.19
Emergency Sanity Sampler
17305 5.57% 107.6523.4.6 to 23.4.19
73124580 2.97% 201.7519.5.1 to Present
Sugar Substitute
44324580 1.80% 332.9119.5.1 to Present
43924580 1.79% 335.9519.5.1 to Present
36624580 1.49% 402.9519.5.1 to Present
Oriron Shard
35924580 1.46% 410.8119.5.1 to Present
Damaged Device
25924580 1.05% 569.4219.5.1 to Present
13724580 0.56% 1076.5019.5.1 to Present